March 26, 2009

18th Amber Blindfold And Rapid Tournament (Round 11)

Round 10 Round 9 Round 8 Round 7 Round 6 Round 5 Round 4 Round 3 Round 2 Round 1


author Anonymous
adminClass blog-admin pid-1993144935
Anonymous said...

Pretty cool!


author Nikolai Pilafov
adminClass blog-admin pid-8567400
Nikolai Pilafov said...

Yeah, it’s a simple and elegant solution, isn’t it. Now anybody can organize a live broadcast of their local tournament straight on their blog.

author Anonymous
adminClass blog-admin pid-1993144935
Anonymous said...

Cool..How to post more games on the very same CVD?
Another question, live broadcast here means that we need to enter the moves played one after another manually on the HTML Code Generator (the PGN form) right? Thx for the help.

author Nikolai Pilafov
adminClass blog-admin pid-8567400
Nikolai Pilafov said...

Welcome aboard, 17ChessClub
There’re few ways to implement live broadcasts. The easiest of them is to have a separate file with the PGN game(s) which is hosted on a separate server where you have, for example, FTP access. When creating your blog’s post use the full URL to that file and include a “RefreshInterval=20” parameter to instruct CVD to refresh every 20sec. After that you should keep updating the PGN file with the new moves and your visitors will automatically see the changes.

Of course, all of the above isn’t that hard to do but some authors might feel better after they gain more experience with the whole method. The bottom line is that it works like a charm.

author Anonymous
adminClass blog-admin pid-1993144935
Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Nikolai..I'm putting myself to explore the broadcasting chess games using your CVD.The real problem for me is that I'm very weak on html issues.Could you please tell me more when you describe "When creating your blog’s post use the full URL to that file and include a “RefreshInterval=20” parameter to instruct CVD to refresh every 20sec" on your last comment? How do I add that "refresh" command and where should I write it on? I really sorry if this could make you mad by my query.FYI, I have FTP access anyway.Thanks for your help,Nick!

author Nikolai Pilafov
adminClass blog-admin pid-8567400
Nikolai Pilafov said...

Hi Sam,
I’m not surprised at all to see you back here on your mini-project. Knowing all of your other success stories I can assure you that you’re just two steps away.

The full URL to your PGN file would be something like Notice that there is a difference between FTP path and URL so a little exploring won’t hurt. The bottom line is when you enter it into the URL address in the browser you should be able to see the PGN (or download it).

First step, you fire up the “HTML Code Generator for Blogs” and click “enter advanced parameters”. Paste the full URL into the “PGN Link” field and go “Next >>”. Verify that the PGN is not producing any errors and go get the CV section (third screen).

On step two you should manually put the RefreshInterval parameter. That’s a bit tricky when you see it for the first time but it will make sense later. Here is what the whole CV section should look like:

<!-- ChessViewer Section Start -->
<SCRIPT id="oChessViewer" type="text/javascript">/*
*/ makeChessApplet ( "", { RefreshInterval: 20 } );</SCRIPT>
<!-- ChessViewer Section End -->

Copy/Paste it and replace the dummy URL with your actual one and you're ready to go.

Good luck and Keep us posted

author Unknown
adminClass blog-admin pid-1316568499
Unknown said...

The Live tournament also works excellently but sometimes the page does not open then I Have to open a page through google search, which does not have live pgn connection and delete the current live tournament post.
What must be the reason for such problem will you please suggest any idea to avoid it.